2. i "finished" grad school.
(except i thought i would be bored so committed to a summer GA and too many authorship projects)
3. my baby sister is in europe and reading her blog makes me horribly jealous because i don't think i appreciated things the way that i should have when i had them and when i was there.
4. i like the new new kids on the block song.
5. i might start a new blog for the new phase.
6. i feel different than i used to, but also the same.
7. cath...
8. i deal with change better than i used to. maybe that's a part of number 6, because sometimes i still hate it with a fiery passion.
9. i'm scared about the 43 things that i have to start on. excited, but scared.
10. i no longer have an excuse for not starting my novel
11. i have not missed an 11:11 since liz left for chicago on monday morning, a.m., nor p.m., and no, i have not set my alarms for that.
12. i am also scared to play with my d-40. what if i don't remember anything?
13. #12 is the root of a lot of my thoughts right now.
14. while i love this apartment, it evokes quite a bit of anxiety.
15. i have to go meet Grad School Girls for a birthday/goodbye party.